Download mark of the ninja xbox
Download mark of the ninja xbox

Mark of the Ninja is simply put an amazing game. A splendid revival for Stealth and Ninja antics indeed!! As a UK gamer, who's lost a lot of this weekend to this beauty, I can confirm that the £10 price is a steal!! … Expand Mark of the Ninja has so much more to it than both of the Shank titles, and the fact its so good can only mean that even if you fail to try the demo (which is free by the way, so why not?). As some sort of comparison (because I'm afraid I'm going to spoil the surprise for you, when you lay your hands on this game) I will say this: Klei Entertainment's previous games, the Shank series, were beautifully presented, but were let down by the fact, that eventually when all the gloss and goodwill has been used up, they didn't have much else to them really. A lot of thought has clearly gone into the gameplay, and the concept is never sold-short - everything, and I mean everything, is geared towards the stealth action, from the controls, to the graphics and sound. As some sort Klei Entertainment's latest is a slice of genius, not only due to the sublimely intense gameplay, but also thanks to the brilliance of the implementation throughout. Klei Entertainment's latest is a slice of genius, not only due to the sublimely intense gameplay, but also thanks to the brilliance of the implementation throughout.

Download mark of the ninja xbox